A terse overview of orbital and space dynamics. Pretty good coverage, but you should be comfortable with matrices and calculus. Good reference for students, who have to work in space applications. This is a Dover book (or Do Over, since they usually do reprints, which is why they are cheap). Dover books are very economical, but tend not to be casual reading. That said, they make great references and usually have very readable line drawings (which I prefer to fancy but harder to read pictures in more expensive books).

This is a good follow on to the previous book. It is also a Dover book so the previous comments also apply.

This is a more textbook style book. It is large and fairly comprehensive. It is by the AIAA, the professional society for aerospace engineers.

A good text in orbital mechanics. It is a textbook so this is not leisure reading, but the figures are nice and clean, and the descriptions useful.

An alternate text on orbital mechanics. The prose is quite good on this one.

Quaternions are an elegant mathematical basis (odd for many people that having multiple square roots of -1 is elegant, though it is) for much of the dynamics of aerospace, particularly rotations. This book will give you a coverage of how and why they work.

I figured I should throw in a book on atmospheric flight. The author has written several books, but this one is from Dover and thus more economic (but also older).

This book is about how to simulate the dynamics of the preceding books. This is a very important topic, which is often ignored in other books. This book is pretty comprehensive, though not the smoothest read.

While it is a pricey textbook, it covers all the basics of rocket propulsion, which if you are looking through these books, you will probably need to know at some point.

This book covers estimation and filtering of satellite motion. This is in my doctoral area, and deals with how you do tracking and such.

Since I gave a book on estimation and filtering, you might also need one on inertial navigation. This one really digs under the hood of the various components and how to use them.

This is not on how to build satellites, but rather on how to run a mission. While not my favorite part, it is needed, and I thought it might come in handy to a student who works in space missions.